Ayuntamiento de Tafalla/Tafallako Udala

XX Ciclo Coral Internacional: CHAPTER 5 (Reino Unido)

01 de enero de 1970

Viernes 31 de octubre

CHAPTER 5 (Reino Unido).  A las 20:00 horas en la Iglesia de San Pedro con entrada libre.

Un año más el Ciclo Coral Internacional acude fiel a su cita con Tafalla. Como en años anteriores y de la mano de la Federación de Coros de Navarra serán cuatro conciertos los que se acerquen a nuestra ciudad con formaciones corales de las más diversas procedencias.



3 mujeres

2 hombres

Formed in 2011, is a unique up-and-coming vocal quintet who are dedicated to establishing themselves as a world class ensemble. United by a love of madrigals and a similar sense of humour, the five wanted to form a professional ensemble that combined a beautiful sound with a fun performance style. Their idea was to produce visually exciting concerts that would be distinctive and unique to them. They are attracting interest from some of the UK’s foremost early music specialists and have recently been approached by a record label regarding a first disc.

The singers have all studied at Birmingham Conservatoire with world-renowned tutors, and now enjoy professional works as soloists, choral scholars, consort singers, music tutors, conductors and instrumentalists. Between them they have been welcomed into major international ensembles including Polyphony, ExCathedra, Armonico Choirs of St Philip and St Chad in Birmingham, St Martin-in-the-Fields and Chelmsford.


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